Happy(er) Christmas 2020 from Basil Hall Editions
December 10, 2020 Basil Hall
Well, it’s been a strange year for BHE. All our art centre friends closed up shop with Covid, so we were suddenly without workshops and most of our potential…
December 10, 2020 Basil Hall
Well, it’s been a strange year for BHE. All our art centre friends closed up shop with Covid, so we were suddenly without workshops and most of our potential…
June 9, 2020 Basil Hall
With the big screen printing table now at a new home in Sydney, there has been room to spread out and rearrange the Basil Hall Editions studio. The smaller…
Following a bit of drama with the double doors (who knew even the widest of sliding doors wouldn’t be wide enough for a Hilton press?), the press was finally…
May 28, 2020 Basil Hall
I made the decision recently to combine our two studios and move the operation into Canberra, where I live with Pam. I love Braidwood, but running between two studios…
March 31, 2020 Basil Hall
Click on this one to open it up in full. Kerri Weymouth, “Identity”, silkscreen on Magnani
Social distancing whilst examining the ten new editions we have just finished with Coleambally artist, Kerri Weymouth. Kerri has been working on a series of posters, using a grant…