Basil Hall and Angus Cameron (from Nomad Art in Darwin) are working with ten artists from Merrepen Arts on the Daly River, 3 hours south west of Darwin this…
Woodblock exhibition in Mittagong
January 10, 2016 Basil Hall
At the conclusion of the week, each of the groups participating in Sturt’s annual Summer School puts on an exhibition of the work produced by the artists. This is…
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The Yuendumu Doors in Adelaide
October 17, 2015 Basil Hall
Whilst in Adelaide for the Tarnanthi Festival, Basil also visited the SA Museum next door to view Yuendumu’s famous (school) Doors. The 30 small etchings he made with the…
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Balnhdhurr- A Lasting Impression is the name of a beautiful exhibition celebrating the first 20 years operation in Buku Larrnggay’s Print Space in Yirrkala, NT. The show opened as part…
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The scene at the official opening by Paul Keating of the inaugural Tarnanthi Festival in Adelaide on October 8 at the Art Gallery of SA. Curated by a team…
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Peter Rohan visits BHE
August 21, 2015 Basil Hall
Melbourne graphic designer and printmaker, Peter Rohan has just visited BHE in Braidwood to have some new etchings and dry points proofed and editioned by Basil. Watch out for…