Whilst in Adelaide for the Tarnanthi Festival, Basil also visited the SA Museum next door to view Yuendumu’s famous (school) Doors. The 30 small etchings he made with the two Japaljarris, Paddy Sims and Paddy Stewart (both dec.) are also on display next to the Doors themselves. Basil approached the two old men in 2000 and suggested that, since the doors they had famously painted in the 1980s had been taken for safe-keeping to the SA Museum, they might consider painting them all again as small etchings. This then happened over the ensuing two years, and handsome boxed sets of the prints were published by Warlukurlangu Artists in 2002. The collection won the Telstra Works on Paper Award in Darwin that year.
The Yuendumu Doors in Adelaide
October 17, 2015 Basil Hall