Following Karen Mills’ visit, Basil headed to Yirrkala in NE Arnhem Land last week at the invitation of Buku Larrnggay Art Centre. Here he worked with Print Space co-ordinator Annie Studd (seen left) and printers on a special project Buku has commenced with selected artists to commemorate the Print Space’s first 20 years. Basil assisted Andrew and Dianne Blake, the co-ordinators at the time, to get the space going in late 1995, so he was really glad to be back in Yirrkala, and doubly pleased to meet and talk to artists he has known and worked with for 20 years (and more, in some cases). Watch out for 22 editions of beautiful Yolngu imagery at Garma Festival in 2015!
Buku Print Shop’s 20th Anniversary
April 29, 2015 Basil Hall