Basil has just returned after running a workshop for artists from Babbara Womens’ Centre and Maningrida Arts in Central Arnhem Land. We decided on doing reduction linocuts, as artists have done a number of printmaking workshops over the years with Leon Stainer and Monique Auricchio (both then working with Basil at the NT University) and are familiar with the process because they also hand print lino onto fabric every day. MAC (Maningrida Arts Centre) kindly allowed us to use their wonderful new facility and MES etching press, and some of their artists were also involved in the workshop. Basil printed small 3-4 colour editions of the cut blocks while he was in town and also oversaw a number of silkscreen prints being commenced by senior MAC artists. Here a young printer assists Basil with racking a print.
Workshop at Babbara Womens’ Centre Maningrida
October 10, 2013 Basil Hall