The Desert Mob Panel (on 5 sheets) comprises the work of 40 artists from 40 communities in remote areas of the NT, WA and SA. Made in 2010 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Desert Mob exhibition in Alice Springs, it took 5 printers around two years from start (sending out “kits” to Art Centres hundreds of kilometres away and waiting while an artist cut a block with the tools we supplied) to finish (getting the editioned prints out for signing and returned to a collecting point to collate). At this show, the 5 sheet Panel is for sale framed, as you see here, individual sheets are for sale and so is a beautifully boxed set of the 40 individual images in colour. All hand-printed.
Show opens tomorrow, Friday 20th November (in the year of Covid) at 11.00am with drinks and launch at 6.00pm. All welcome, but numbers in the gallery will be limited to 30 at a time.