We were very sad to hear of the recent passing of Kaltjiti artist, Tjilpi (old man) Robin, whose beautiful series of drawings we are currently editioning at the Braidwood studio. Robin made the charcoal drawings on a special plastic drafting sheet which faithfully received all the tonal nuances of his shading. The sheets were sent to Basil in Braidwood and he exposed the drawings onto photo zinc. The marks were then etched as usual and proofed for the artists and Art Co-ordinator to look at. A second colour border (red) has now been added and this will be screenprinted over the editioned etchings. Here Antonia Aitken, who has been working with Basil on this project – is seen pulling one of the images off the big press. The series will be included in an exhibition at CCAS gallery in Darwin in March
New prints for Kaltjiti Arts
February 20, 2013 Basil Hall