Keith from Merlarue Presses has just visited this week to instal our new proofing press. Although we have sold no fewer than three presses in recent years in a frenzy of rationalisation, it has become necessary to have a small etching press in Canberra so Basil can work on his own plates on weekends and also do small editioning jobs for Canberra people, without having to drive out to the main etching studio in Braidwood. He and Keith have designed a rugged little bench top model which has a larger top roller than the average small press, a steel bed and 5:1 gearing; perfect for people with a space and price constraint, but who don’t want a “toy” press. $3000 is a pretty good price for such a machine. Check out Merlarue’s other models too, on their website and on Facebook.
So now the silkscreen studio has an etching press?
August 26, 2016 Basil Hall