Courtesy of the Tasmanian Regional Arts Fund – (part of Regional Arts Australia), Andrew and Dianne Blake once again were able to include four indigenous Tasmanian artists in my recent printmaking 5-dayer with residents of King Island. Here are Sinsa, Bonnie, Dianne Blake (the workshop organiser), Tanya and Michelle, huddled around the hard working etching press at the King Island Cultural Centre in Currie at the conclusion of another fun workshop. Actually, we also had one Sydney artist and one from Melbourne too! Over the 5 days I introduced collagraphs and we did zinc plate etching for the fourth year (hard- and soft ground, aquatint, colour, sugar lift etc). I think there were 17 different people in all, but a maximum of 12 attended on any given day, giving Dianne, Andrew and me plenty to do to keep the press churning out prints. We were still printing up the backlog after everyone departed on some days.
Another great Tassie crowd at the King Island Workshop
November 9, 2017 Basil Hall