Since I returned from the Tiwi Islands in May, the studio has been busy working on the 28 editions created by the Jilamara mob at that workshop. The first show of this new work isn’t until September at Nomad Art in Darwin, but with our absence for most of August and all September running the annual Basil Hall Editions Greek workshop, it was always going to be a squeeze to get it all printed. Four screen print editions (seen in the picture at left, with one by Raelene Kerinaua in the foreground) were completed early in June, but the remainder have had to wait until July owing to other workshop commitments (Yirrkala, Albury, Melbourne). So, now it’s on at full pace, with the assistance of Jonathon Larsen from Armidale and my 95 year old mother on colour plates and clean hands respectively! More pictures will follow, if we are given permission to reproduce them on this site.
Big month printing for Jilamara Arts
July 29, 2017 Basil Hall